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T8M All Timer Tournament Results
Eight individuals came together as general managers to draft an “all-time great” lineup of quidditch players to play in the All-Timer Tournament, a hypothetical fantasy tournament created by The Eighth Man and sponsored by Utility Apparel.
Per the rules of the draft, players were drafted at their peak (defined however the general managers or the public saw fit) and in a scenario where they would be given a month to train together before competing. The tournament would be played under the MLQ 2019 ruleset which includes, most notably, two-armed tackling and a modified end game with a 45-point snitch and a 70-point scoring cap. Voting was split 50/50 between our panel of voters and a public vote. Panelists ranked the teams based on talent, compatibility, diversity of strategy and playstyle, depth and ability to adapt to the MLQ ruleset.
Below are the full results for where each general manager placed in our panelists’ rankings, the fan vote and the final composite rankings. A few comments from our panelists regarding why they ranked each general manager’s team as they did can be found below.
Congratulations to Hank Dugie’s team for being our All-Timer Tournament Champions, and thank you to all eight general managers who participated in creating some of the greatest teams to never step foot on the pitch! Stay tuned for our upcoming results from the All-Campus Cup later this week.
List of Panelists: Ethan Warren (U.S.), Jamie Lafrance (Canada), Michele Clabassi (Italy), Natalie Astalosh (Australia), Greg Bento (U.S.), James Hicks (U.S.), Erin Mallory (U.S.), James Thanangadan (U.K.)
Panelist Commentary
Hank Dugie
“This team has direct and powerful players in all positions., good chemistry already and is built on two of the most athletic teams (Texas plus Australia). It is the team I would least like to be facing on the field, and the team I would most like to see play someone else.”
Fraser Posford
“This team’s style of play will fit MLQ and play attractive, fast-paced quidditch in both the quaffle and bludger games. The ability to play a range of beater configurations (especially the Lucy Quidditch/Jackson Johnson set) is frightening.”
Ryan Davis
“There is a great mix of talent on this team, especially on defense. Robyn Fortune was an absolute steal in round 12, as well. The beater depth isn’t quite as good as other teams.”
Mario Nasta
“This team has high-level talent from two dominant MLQ franchises with distinct playing styles. The lack of international players could really lessen the ability to adapt to international playstyles of opponents.”
Nik Jablonski
“This team has tons of historical talent, but a lot of the stylistic play may not transition to this fast-paced meta. Lots of quality picks in the last few rounds though.”
Austin Wallace
“This team has balanced depth across the squad and picked up exceptional non-U.S. players late in Mette Sundall and Albert Bregeault, however, not sure if the playstyles mesh entirely well together.”
Emily Hickmont
“This team has tons of utility depth with great late round picks like Tyler Walker and Dameon Osborn; however, not sure how the historical talent will adapt in today’s game.”
Kay Pack
“This team has a very solid group of players with some fantastic value picks like Nathan Digmann and Julia Baer; however, the lack of international players could really lessen the ability to adapt to international play styles of opponents.”
Special Shoutouts
Best Sleeper Pick: Robyn Fortune
(Photo Credit: Jens Quidditch Photos)
Panelist Quote- “I’ve had a chance to see her tackling skills with MLQ tackling rules first hand, and she’s absolutely on par with the best US/Australian players of the same position. Picking her at 12th made a difference in Ryan’s team.”
Most Surprising Omission: Darren Creary
(Photo Credit: Flax Photography)
Panelist Quote- “Decided to go with the person we would literally change our defensive game plan for when he was on the field back when I was on teams that played him. He was a dominant seeker and maybe this is just the seeker in me talking but I feel seekers were incredibly undervalued”
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